Aug. 19, 2022
KETOS SHIELD can monitor for total ammonia nitrogen in water in real-time, all while lowering up-front costs via a $0-CAPEX subscription model. Monitoring the concentration of ammonia in drinking water is essential to safeguard human health.

KETOS SHIELD can monitor for total ammonia nitrogen in water in real-time, all while lowering up-front costs via a $0-CAPEX subscription model. Monitoring the concentration of ammonia in drinking water is essential to safeguard human health.

With lab accurate results for over 30 water parameters, KETOS SHIELD is part of a fully integrated water analytics solution, offering access to automated reporting, real-time alerts, EPA-compliant or custom threshold-based diagnostics, custom reports, historical trends, and mission-critical actionable insights.

KETOS allows organizations to stay connected to water quality data via an automated system with 24/7 access to critical analytics. These insights are vital for the public and private sectors and are used for water quality, safety assurance testing, protecting liability, understanding process optimization in industrial plants, improving crop yields and water data for farming, besides overall consumer health.